The American South is one of the world's most powerful and well-positioned economies. Blessed by geographic advantage, sophisticated economic development organizations and world-class business environments, the 17-state region inspires innovation, is home to iconic brands, defines emerging markets, and stands ready as a welcoming, thriving partner for global enterprise.
Throughout the American South, a comprehensive transportation network connects global markets as communities throughout the region are prepared to deliver product anywhere on the planet overnight. Research institutions are breaking records for patents. Vast university and college networks are partnering with industry, and communities are leveraging quality of life advantages with future focused talent attraction strategies to build our world-class workforce.
States, counties, and cities in the American South are combining our intrinsic attributes and people power with an unparalleled attraction portfolio of incentives, ready-to-go sites and buildings, incredible utility rates and infrastructure, and pro-growth policies.
Whether it’s the commercialization of a great idea, facilitation of an expansion, or preparation to welcome a multi-billion-dollar corporate partner, business is quickly operationalized and positioned to thrive in the American South.

The American South is home to iconic brands and emerging industries that define global markets. SEDC member states offer an unparalleled business advantage with world-class location, workforce, product, and quality of life.